Give a gift that lasts! Don't just send help for today — give a family hope with the opportunity to build their own future.

Flock of Chickens
Families who’ve had to flee their homes need a way to generate income again. Help a family start a small chicken farm, which gives them eggs, meat and a way to build a livelihood. Chickens for one family: $45

Pair of Goats
Goats meet many needs — their milk, cheese and meat add healthy protein to diets, and their young can be sold to pay for education, housing and healthcare, or given to other families in the community. One pair: $70

Learning kit
When a child is forced to flee, they lose so much, including the ability to learn at school. Your gift will help make this right for a child who is displaced. Supplies for one child: $20

Fishing kit
In regions where heavy flooding has covered farmland, fishing has become the best source of income and food. Provide a kit to get a family started. Kit for one family: $10

Start a livestock farm
Give a displaced family the start of a new life with a rooster and four hens, 5 sheep, 4 goats, a dairy cow and an ox for farming. One new family livestock farm: $1,200